Full Name
Caspar Berry
Job Title
Keynote Speaker
Speaker Bio
Caspar Berry is a decorated entrepreneur, famed as the Co-Founder of Twenty First Century Media and as an illustrious professional poker player in The Mirage. Now an acclaimed motivational and keynote speaker, Caspar utilises the skills he honed during his career to empower his audiences to better their personal lives. Tapping into his in-depth knowledge of poker, Caspar makes the world of risks and decision-making fun and engaging. Delivering powerful messages about the nature of risk-taking.

With a decorated career to his name, navigating the risks and rewards of professional poker, Caspar Berry is now highly sought after as a keynote speaker. When hired as a speaker, Caspar utilises his understanding of the risks and rewards of gambling, translating such risk management into business contexts. Encouraging audiences to consider the risks they take in their own lives, Caspar has already delivered his revolutionary speeches to over 200 companies.
Caspar Berry