Full Name
Dr. Jimi Hinchliffe
Job Title
The JADEtc. Partnership
Speaker Bio
Jimi has over 25 years of experience in operational risk and regulation. Jimi has held several roles at the UK regulator, including operational risk policy SME and Basel 2 specialist and lead and supervisor of major banks and investment firms. Jimi has also held senior positions within the GSIFI MUFG, including head of EMEA regulatory affairs. Since 2016, he has been an operational risk and regulation consultant, working with banks, investment firms, and pension schemes. In 2020 Jimi established The JADEtc. Partnership, along with Andrew Sheen and David Goodyear, which has worked closely with a range of clients and partners, including Chapelle Consulting. Jimi has spoken at numerous conferences, published articles on regulation and operational risk, and is a Fellow of the Institute of Operational Risk (IOR) and Chairman of the IOR, England & Wales Chapter.
Dr. Jimi Hinchliffe