Mainstage: Tackling Silos (and Culture) - Air Command's Adoption of an Enterprise Risk Management Approach
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location Name
Bishopsgate Forum

Managing risk within a complex public sector organisation requires balancing the delivery of outputs, ensuring operational safety, making the right capital investments and delivering value for money.

In this session, Andy Gilroy, a seasoned full-time reserve officer in the Royal Air Force, will explore RAF Air Command’s evolution from traditional risk management practices to the adoption of an Enterprise Risk Management approach.

He will share insights on how the adoption of a digital solution has enhanced Air Command’s organisational risk management maturity by simplifying assurance processes, challenging old ways of working and delivering measurable benefits.

Additionally, Andy will discuss the effective use of data, increasing digitisation, the harmonisation of IT systems, managing the ‘can-do’ culture and staying current.