Your well-being is Riskonnect's number one priority.

Riskonnect is committed to providing a safe environment for all attendees. Staff and the hotel property will adhere to current UK Government guidelines. We encourage you to decide on your own comfort level attending an in-person event while masked and socially distanced. As safety and health regulations and recommendations continue to evolve, Riskonnect will monitor these developments and update safety protocols as necessary in advance of Konnect Europe 2022. Check back often for updates.

Here’s what we’re doing to protect your health:


All in-person attendees will receive a safety kit. Upon arrival you will receive a safety kit, including a mask, disinfecting wipes, and hand sanitiser.

The Konnect Europe Conference app will include a link to a COVID-19 assessment form. You will be asked to complete and submit the form each day.

Masks may be required in busier spaces of the conference. We will be following government guidelines at the time of the conference. Check back for further details.

Hand-sanitiser stations will be plentiful throughout the common areas. Bottles of hand sanitiser will be provided in your safety kit for you to keep with you throughout the meeting. Additionally, hand-sanitiser stations will be spread throughout the event.

Education sessions will be set up with ample space between chairs. The keynote room, breakout rooms, Solution Central, and other spaces also will be set up to allow six feet between tables and chairs.

High-traffic areas will be regularly sanitized. Doors, tables, chairs, and other touch points will be cleaned and sanitized before arrival and throughout the conference. Disinfectant wipes also will be placed throughout the meeting space for additional sanitation.

General Safety Guidelines

Riskonnect is committed to following UK government guidelines to:

  • Encourage the minimum recommended social distancing of at least six feet between event participants.
  • Use of face masks for all event participants, including employees, attendees, vendors, and venue staff.
  • Promote healthy hygiene practices, including regular handwashing and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Use of barriers, signage, and social distancing markers throughout the venue to encourage proper distancing.
  • Provide print and digital signage throughout the event with detailed information on safety guidelines, protocols, and recommended preventive practices.
  • Monitor and staff all event functions, including effective management of entrances, exits, and the traffic flow.


Attendee Guidelines

To maintain a safe conference environment, we kindly ask that you follow the additional guidelines listed below:

  • Please practice social distancing during all event functions.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces, such as cell phones and laptops.
  • Wear face masks and other approved PPE. Avoid touching your face.
  • Engage in handshake-free interactions. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • Use the provided hand-sanitizer dispensers placed throughout the venue.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, immediately discard it in the trash, and sanitize your hands.
  • Do not attend if you are not feeling well.